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Tactical Boot to Start the New Year

Jan 08, 2016

Quality Tactical BootYou know the saying, “you must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” It’s very similar to, “start the New Year off on the right foot!” Well, these sayings didn’t come from thin air, so there must be some truth to them! So when you step out the door after New Years, maybe a simple purchase of the right boots are all you need to kick off the upcoming year! The ALTAI™ multi-functional tactical boots can be the perfect solution to waking up on the right side of the bed and starting your New Year on the right foot!

The Boot That Keeps Up With You

Are you outdoors a lot? Do you do a lot of walking or vigorous exercise that requires lots of movement in all types of extreme environments? If any of these things apply to you, the ALTAI™ multi-functional tactical boot is the perfect fit. We set a new standard for rugged footwear and we are considered the perfect boot for those in law enforcement, military, survival experts, industrial workers and even avid runners. Made with durable yet lightweight materials, this tactical boot is created for high performance in all terrain, while also keeping you warm and dry against all different types of weather extremes.

Key Features of our Boots

  • Durability All The Way Around: Whether you are traveling through the jungle or stomping through the snow, our materials can withstand the weather. Made up of material like SuperFabric® and Vibram®, the ALTAI™ multi-functional tactical boot was created to be tough yet also provide comfort to anyone wearing the shoes.
  • Lightweight: Boots that weigh you down are boots that are going to give you major pain in the future. We have a boot that is both durable and lightweight to give you lasting performance and increased mobility.
  • Waterproof and Breathability: No, we aren’t lying. No, we didn’t just spray on an adhesive and call it waterproof. All of our materials are made to be waterproof. The boot itself is designed higher and above the ankles, keeping the water out and your toes dry. Our materials offer waterproof capabilities because of its unique ability to breathe. These boots will keep you dry on both the inside and the out!

So if you are ready to start the New Year on the right foot, it can be as simple as purchasing boots that will finally be able to catch up with you! For your pair of ALTAI™ multi-functional tactical boots, call ALTAI™ today at (800) 806-2611. Happy New Year!

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