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Fall Boots for Men and Women

Nov 10, 2015

Boots for Women and MenFall is the time as Larry The Cable Guy says, ‘Get er Done’ especially when living in colder climates. Our boots offer everything you need to check off your outdoor list before and even after Jack Frost visits.

‘Get er Done.’ – One phrase never had so many different meanings! As the home bodies begin to make their way inside like the hermit crabs that they are, outdoorsman are just starting to create their list of fall items needed to be done this season. There’s so many things to do before, and even after, Jack Frost comes to town. Keep your feet warm this fall and winter while you work outdoors! Whether you are a male or female, the ALTAI™ Multi-Functional Tactical Boots can help you ‘Get er Done’ and get you back to doing all the things that you really enjoy.

Jim Bob’s and Betty Sue’s Fall Checklist

  • Rake leaves
  • Clean gutters
  • Check crawl space under the house
  • Build tree stand
  • Go hunting
  • Go fishing
  • Build tree stand
  • Cut down dead tree

Jim Bob is one manly man, right? Poor old guy wasn’t even finished raking those leaves when he slipped in a mud puddle. It took him 3 days to recover, and another day for his boots to dry out, so Betty Sue decided to help out. She got out there and a snake slithered out of the messed up pile of leaves and bit poor ol Betty Sue on the toe! So now what are Jim Bob and Betty Sue gonna do? Wanna put money down that next season, they will both be wearing some better boots? If you are doing outdoor work, the ALTAI™ Multi-Functional Tactical Boot are the best boot you’ll find on the market today.

Key Boot Features

  • SuperFabric® is a unique material that has both cloth and armor plates to provide a comfortable yet protective makeup. The upper section of the ALTAI™ Multi-Functional Tactical Boot is made up of this material and extends past the ankle, providing support and protection from all the elements.
  • EVA, a material commonly found in running and sports shoes, makes up the Midsole of the boot to serve as comfort, cushion, and helps ease the impact of weight bearing down consistently. It will help keep your legs and feet healthy and prevent fatigue.
  • VIBRAM® sounds strong before you even know what it is! VIBRAM® makes up the outer part of the shoe and is known for its resistance to slips, waterproof ability and tough quality that will keep anything from easily penetrating.

We bet Jim Bob and Betty Sue wish they had a pair of the ALTAI™ Multi-Functional Tactical Boots. If they did, these two could have avoided a bad fall and a snake bite, and most importantly, could have shouted ‘Get er Done’ on their last fall chore. If you are looking for a boot that will last through all your outdoor adventures, consider the ALTAI™ Multi-Functional Tactical Boots. For more information or to order your boots today, give us a call at (800) 806-2611.

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