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Top 10 Items To Bring on Your Next Outdoor Adventure

Oct 17, 2022
Top 10 Items To Bring on Your Next Outdoor Adventure

The great outdoors are beckoning, and you have decided to answer the call. It’s time for a wondrous outdoor adventure! But first, you’ll need to pack all the essentials. Here are the top ten items to bring on your next outdoor adventure.

Communication Device

The first item to bring on your next outdoor adventure is a communication device. Ideally, you should bring your cell phone along with you in case of emergencies. However, depending on the location of your trip and who you are with, a walkie-talkie could work as well. For example, suppose you are going hiking in a remote area. In that case, you may not have cell service, so using walkie-talkies to communicate with your travel companions is a good idea. You want to ensure that you are able to contact the necessary people or authorities if there is any kind of accident or emergency, so be sure to pack a communication device for your adventure.

Food and Water

The first thing to consider when packing food and water is how long your trip will be. You will want to make sure that you pack enough food for each day of the trip. For example, if you will be gone for five days, make sure to pack enough food for three meals each day and maybe some snacks as well. Also, make sure to bring an insulated reusable water bottle that you can refill as needed. If you happen to be in an area with restaurants or stores to purchase food, you may not need to pack as much.

First Aid Kit

You never know when an emergency might occur, so it’s essential to stay prepared just in case. Again, a small, standard first aid kit will do the trick; it doesn’t have to be too large. You want a kit that has all the necessary tools without being too heavy to carry around with you. Things like bandages, gauze, medical tape, scissors, and an antiseptic are great supplies to start building your kit. You can keep your first aid kit in your backpack for safekeeping while enjoying your outdoor adventure.

Tactical Boots

Depending on the location of your trip, you may run into some challenging terrain. A good, durable pair of tactical footwear will ensure that your feet stay protected from any potential hazards. You will also want to make sure the boots you choose are comfortable and will be easy to wear for several hours at a time. Lightweight boots will help lighten the load of the shoes while also adding an extra element of comfort.

Appropriate Clothing

The fifth thing you will want to pack for your outdoor adventure is appropriate clothing. The articles of clothing you choose will vary a bit depending on the weather and where you are going. Make sure to check the forecast in advance so that you know whether it’s supposed to rain or if the weather will be hot or cold. Once you have a good idea of what the weather will be like, you can pack accordingly. Even if it’s supposed to be warmer weather, it’s always a good idea to pack a light jacket just in case. Weather can be unpredictable at times, so packing a few extra things won’t hurt.


If you are going hiking or camping, it’s helpful to have a map or guidebook of the paths or trails you will be walking. You want to make sure that you are aware of your location and can find your way safely. Traveling without a sense of direction can be dangerous, and it can be easy to get lost. You will also want to make sure to stay on the appropriate paths and not wander into the wilderness. Having a map with you will ensure that you stay safe and aware during your adventure.


The seventh item that’s necessary to bring on your outdoor adventure is a compass. Much like a map, a compass will help you maintain a good sense of direction on your trip. It can be difficult to navigate while in the woods, on a mountain, or in any location you haven’t been to before. A compass will allow you to orient yourself in the direction you are going and help you to stay on the right track. Some watches even have built-in compass features, which are helpful navigation tools to have handy.


It can get incredibly dark at night outdoors, which can pose a hazard if you are trying to see. A flashlight serves as a solution to this problem, allowing you to illuminate your way in the dark. Pack some extra batteries with your flashlight in case of emergencies. You never know when you may need an additional light source to help you find your way in the evening hours.

Shelter and a Sleeping Bag

Including these items depends on whether you are staying the night outside. If you are camping or hiking and need a safe place to sleep, it’s necessary to have a shelter and sleeping bag with you. When choosing an appropriate shelter, you’ll want to consider how many people you have to house. For example, if you’re camping with three other people, you’ll need a four-person tent to accommodate everyone. When choosing a sleeping bag, consider the weather during the time of your trip. If it’s colder, you’ll want a thick sleeping bag that will keep you warm through the night. If it’s warmer, you may want to opt for a more lightweight material that allows for extra airflow.


A backpack is the tenth and final item you’ll want to have with you on your outdoor adventure. A solid, durable backpack will be the perfect place to keep all the things you packed for your trip. You can keep your food and water safely tucked within your bag along with your phone, compass, first aid kit, map, and flashlight. Avoid putting too much weight in your backpack, as you don’t’ want to be overloaded. Instead, try to keep the load as light as possible while still managing to pack all the essentials.

Now that you know the top ten items to bring on your next outdoor adventure, you can begin packing for your next trip today! Make a checklist to ensure you haven’t forgotten anything important, then get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!

Top 10 Items To Bring on Your Next Outdoor Adventure

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