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ALTAI™ Hero Spotlight: Grand Rapids Police Throw Birthday Party for Bullied Child

Apr 18, 2019

Today we put the Hero Spotlight on a very special story involving the Grand Rapids Police and a 9 year old boy’s birthday. Young Thomas Daniel was seen missing his school bus but what started out to be rough morning, turned into a memorable celebration.

Officer Austin Lynema noticed Thomas’ misfortune and while helping him get to school, learned that it was Thomas’ birthday. And while he was excited to celebrate, he believed that no one would show up; due to being bullied at school. So instead, he invited the entire Grand Rapids Police Department to his birthday party.

Later on, Officer Lynema discovered that Thomas’ fears were correct; no one had shown up for his birthday except for Officer Lynema himself and Thomas’ siblings. The Grand Rapids hero decided to turn things around for the boy.

The next day, Grand Rapids Police threw a surprise birthday, customized Krispy Kreme donuts and all, for Thomas. “People at school are happy for me because Austin … he never lets kids down, he’s a hero,” said Daniel. “I’ll never forget this until the day I die.”

You can pay it forward and support law enforcement officers with our 2 For The Blue program, in partnership with I Donut Need A Reason To Thank A Cop, Tyler the Donut Boy.

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