The role of a Correctional Officer has evolved into one of a Law Enforcement Professional on the inside of the walls of justice. A Corrections Officer is tasked with protecting inmates from each other while helping to rehabilitate those who need a second chance. The job provides no recognition for bravery even though lives are on the line every day. COs must rely on each other, their training and duty gear to do the job of Maintaining a Safe Society. A Good Pair of Tactical Duty Boots are needed in order to uphold the Duty to Protect and Serve. ALTAI™ Tactical Boots provide Superior Performance and Comfort for long hours on foot patrol.
One has to only take an honest look at the work of a Correctional Officer to know that they provide a necessary function in Maintaining a Safe Society. Its too easy to simply dismiss a corrections officer as being a mere babysitter or gate keeper. The reality of the work done by these brave Law Enforcement Professionals on the Inside can be very eye opening.
The job of a Corrections Professional involves spending day after day, hour after hour of time spent on your feet and ready to intervene when chaos erupts. It takes an incredible amount of dedication to stand at the ready knowing that you are likely to receive little recognition or pay in compensation.
Duty Gear for a correctional officer does not include a firearm or weapon. Brave keepers of justice must rely on the ability to think fast on their feet and trust their fellow officers. Equipment like ALTAI™ Tactical Boots provide an edge for Maintaining a Safe Society both inside and outside of the walls of a jail or prison facility.
Corrections Officers across the country need the same quality of footwear as their brothers in blue on the outside. Dealing with violence and upheaval every day requires sure-footedness and fast reaction time.
Sacrifices are commonly made in an effort to do the job and uphold a Duty to Protect and Serve. There is no need to sacrifice when it comes to selecting the Best Duty Boots for the job. Choose Tactical Boots that provide Superior Performance and Comfort. Look for features including the following:
ALTAI™ Tactical Duty Boots are an excellent addition for any Corrections Officer’s duty gear. Finding comfortable footwear that can handle the wear and tear of a 12 hour day is not always easy. ALTAI™ Gear would like to remedy the situation by providing boots that protect the brave, unheralded individuals that help to Maintain a Safe Society. We respect Law Enforcement Officers that do their job on the outside and inside of the walls of justice.
Call to speak with an ALTAI™ representative Today at 800-806-2611